Standing out from the crowd
With 38,000 recruitment agencies in the UK at the current time, being seen and valued by your candidates can be a real challenge. We want you to attract the very best employers to work with and then of course, ensure matching candidate talent. So the question is, how do you stand out from the crowd?
Well, congratulations, you’ve taken a massive step forward in being a leading recruiter by joining Ad-Me. We will take you on a journey to simplify your workloads, appeal to wider audiences and to showcase your USPs and great talents.
But before you get started on creating your Recruiter Profile, we need to check you’re ready to go. We don’t want to be like ‘grandma, teaching you to suck eggs’ but we do want to challenge you and ask yourselves if you really do have USPs that make you more attractive to clients and candidates? Let’s do a bit of a refresh of what it takes to be appealing and to rise above your competitors.
- When was the last time you did a brand refresh? If not in the last 2 years, why not? Time to really analyse if your brand still speaks to your audiences in the right ways. Is your brand living through your advertising and actions?
- Are you living up to your Mission statement in all that you do? Have you lost your way a bit? Time to get some focus and regroup with your colleagues on what you set out to do and why. Remember Simon Simnek, ‘start with why.’ Your business was established with a purpose; has that purpose changed? Can you still align with your Mission statement or is it time to rethink your business strategies to get ahead of the competition?
- Are you and your colleagues really living your values in your everyday actions? Or are your values just words on a website or wall? Too often we hear of candidates being disillusioned by agencies because they don’t live up to their promises; how are you keeping your promises and demonstrating those values you took so much time to create?
- Life is crazy busy right? But if you don’t do the things that really matter to your candidates, they won’t recommend you and one day, when they are the speaking to the employers’ recruiting managers and decision makers, they will likely share their negative experiences. Do better. Make each and every candidate feel valued and special, they are your future customers and the people who can either advocate or damage your brand reputation.
- Do you have a unique presence in social media forums? How do you make sure your topics and articles are well viewed? Is it time to get a social media refresh?
- Enter competitions and shout about your success; being accredited and winning against your peers enables you to shine. Amplify your successes with some great PR and you will definitely be a leading light to follow
- Help out in your community; give back and show your efforts. Enable others to see that you are not just about leads and commissions but that you care about what goes on in your specialisms or local communities. Get your clients and candidates involved and create a new community of engagement
- Review your specialisms and ensure they are speaking to the right audiences. If you are a recruiter in a specific industry tell your audiences why you’re the best in that area. What sets you apart? Why do you succeed where others fail? How do you stay fresh and appealing to clients and candidates? Have you diversified into another area? If so, tell people why and how you leading the way in that new industry.
- Keep in touch. It’s the little things that make a big difference. Pay attention to the candidates you have placed and keep them engaged, you never know when you might need them in future.
Joining Ad-Me is a great step forward for you to optimise and stand out from the crowd. Make sure your profiles and videos are refeshed regularly. Follow our tips and hints for creating your videos and using the Ad-Me processes. Be a leader, not a follower, of great working practices within our website. Talk to us if you’ve got some great ideas that would help you or your clients, we are always listening.
You’ve got this and we’ve got you!!