How to attract the best candidates

We want you to love using Ad-Me and feel the benefits of cost and time savings, so to help you get started, we have put together some pointers on how to attract the best candidates.

  • Create your Company Profile video; it doesn’t need to be long, just a few minutes showcase your organisation, do a walk around of the building or area that the role will apply to, maybe ask some of the staff to say hello,  and definitely talk about your culture. Make it real and interesting
  • Add a company photo on your profile; maybe of the building or of one of your products. Try to move beyond just your branding and give something visually new to candidates
  • Great candidates will match with like-minded organisations so give plenty of thought to your job profile and the essential elements for success. Speak to their values and use someone who exemplifies your business personality as ‘the voice of the organisation’
  • When making your job advert videos it is your opportunity to call out to the world about your fantastic role, so keep it to about 90 seconds but talk about why the role exists and how it fits into the business
  • Tell candidates what you want from them; tell them about the qualities, skills, values qualification and experience you are seeking. Tell them what you don’t want too (but keep it brief) ​​​​​​
  • Post your jobs regularly to keep you high on the hit list of searches ​​​​​​
  • Remove jobs that are no longer available
  • Update your company profile videos when something significant happens in your business eg new branding, new location, new board members, new products
  • Use the Ad-Me functions to keep candidates updated on closing dates, video interviews and outcomes  ​​​​​
  • Use ‘favourites’ to shortlist your candidates and let them know you’re thinking about them
  • Don’t take long to make decisions; our product means you can act swiftly and with minimal effort. Great candidates won’t wait around to have a slick timeline to keep to

We have made it a simple as possible to get you noticed, so with a regular refresh and checks that you’re doing the above, we know your future colleagues will be flocking your way.

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